Essential Resources To Develop a Mobile App using PhoneGap Framework


Starting from tools to developer flow, all you need to get aware of, before you begin with mobile app development using phonegap framework. You need to wrap up with the insights into the work flow for phonegap app development. Sure, you have read starter guides, but to really get underway, first you need to gather information of proper work flow and resources to maintain such. In this post, you will read about resources – essential to develop a mobile app with phonegap.

Coding Environment

First and foremost, you must create a coding environment with the help of basic tools require to get started off. For this, you must understand that for which platform you are going to develop your app. Like whether its iOS, Android or both or anything else. Examine such, help you get a good choice of tools.

Extensive IDEs

IDEs needed when you are going to deploy something locally to devices, that is without phonegap build (a cloud based service built on the top of phonegap framework). There is a different IDE for each platform – Eclipse for Android, Xcode for iOS, Visual Studio for Windows, and so on. Using symlinks, you can easily share your source code across various IDE installations.

Lightweight Editors

Adobe Edge Code is a popular editor for quick editing. And for live editing in the browser Edge Code (an open source HTML/JS editor) is mostly used. Inline editors are also required for CSS styles, it allows you to edit without leaving your current HTML files. All these are lightweight editors as they are easy to use.

Designer-centric Editors

You must search for editors that are designer-friendly, they must contain all essential features for designing. One of such editor is Dreamweaver. It delivers an incredible programming environment along with WYSIWYG editor for HTML. Additionally, it featured with integrated PhoneGap Build. Many phonegap developers continue to use Dreamweaver for better web experience.

Debugging Tools

Of course, Phonegap is of cross-platform nature that leverage native web views for each and every platform. To maintain a good quality of your PhoneGap based mobile app, you need run debugging tools in a tricky way. Among the PhoneGap community, PhoneGap Emulator is a primary debugging tool for all types of PhoneGap apps. Built on top of Chrome, it allows you to utilize developer tools by Chrome.

On-Device Debugging

For a successful cross-platform mobile app, on-device testing is crucial. You must be sure that your app is performing well on all those devices and platforms – you have targeted while creating a mobile app. Platforms like iOS and Blackberry offers you developer tools to remotely debug live content on the device.


Apart from the above resources, lots and lots more are there to work with. These resources differ on the basis of platform – iOS, Android, Windows, etc. – for which you want to create your app. Availing such resources help you create a path of least resistance towards your aim of creating a successful mobile application using phonegap.

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